2022 – Winter Waterland
HAPPY NEW YEAR! The Sun is low in the sky and rainclouds have brought much needed water resources for our aquifers. Here in Mendocino Village there is no municipal water company. There are about 420 wells in the village. There are three located here at the inn, although only one is the main producer. We are very lucky to have a location with few competing wells. Our rainwater catchment tank installed in September 2021 is completely full. We have been blessed with 20” of rain since the tank was installed. The 500 sq.\ft. roof can capture about 600 gallons per inch of rain. We hope everyone has been enjoying their holiday season.
Does Mendocino have water?
As I’m sure you’ve heard, Mendocino County has been concerned about water for many months. The local water treatment plant is responsible for motoring groundwater levels. Recent rains have improved groundwater tables enough to move from Stage 4 (40% reduction) to Stage 2 (15% reduction) as of January 7, 2022. Dry wells have started to produce again, great news for all village businesses. Kate and I personally want to thank all of our guests for their continued support in conserving our constrained water resources.
2021 was a hugely successful year for us.
Here’s a summary in photos and words of what we have accomplished to remind us of all the things we are grateful for.
Project highlights include:
- Treework and ivy removal in April. In December, a local artist who I donated the wood to dropped off two corn toss games made from our cypress trees. The finishing work starts soon.
- Converted massage room to office space. Fixed windows, paint, flooring all completed.
- Level ~2,500 sq\ft. of side yard area, lay down gravel base, grade for drainage, prep for firepit.
- Installed 4,999 gallon rainwater catchment to the wood shed roof.
- New roof on main house. While closed we refinished all wood floors in main house. Lots of painting and touchups.
- Complete update to Meadowview.
- Laundry ozone water treatment – eliminates need for soap and hot water.
- Replaced carpet in Cottage building, upgraded to Cal-King beds.
- Too much to mention in the garden, and the garden is looking just lovely!
Please read on ... and remember to book direct through https://joshuagrindlemendocino.com

Conservation and Preservation priorities for 2022.
We have big plans to build upon the 2021 projects this year. Old houses need lots of attention and these windows are the next big project to tackle now that the roof is complete. Re-glazing and painting old windows keeps them functioning well and protects the house from water damage. We practiced on the massage room windows during its transformation and learned on the job. Additional water related projects including rain gardens, swales, berms, rainwater irrigation, grey water irrigation and rain-to-laundry are all on the horizon. And a firepit! |
Winter Whale Special - Book 2 weeknights, get third night 50% off
We just returned from our own holiday in Sedona and we cannot believe it’s almost February. To celebrate the annual whale migration north we are offering guests a weekday special of Buy 2, get 50% off the third night. This offer is valid for February and March, Sunday through Thursday for new reservations.
Please call the inn to make your reservation or book it online with promo code whales22
Worth noting, the ‘Direct’ pricing rate is available too. During the online booking, enter the promo code DIRECT to get the best pricing available. When making your reservation, enter ‘Direct’ in the promotion code box, then click the Update button. The room list will change to show our standard rate and the direct rate. Note: pricing may vary from this screenshot.
