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WELCOME BACK: Whales, Waves and Wine!

So the big news this quarter: COVID vaccinations are well underway. YEAH!! As lodging operators serving food, Kate and I fell into an essential group and we have been fully vaccinated. Tourism in Mendocino County is a large industry but our population is relatively small at just 90,000 residents. So our county is still requiring masks at this time.

The whales have migrated south to the warm waters of Cabo San Lucas. They will give birth to their young before heading back north in the fall. This bi-annual event is always exciting when you hear about whale sightings from shore. About a month ago, one of our guests spotted a whale right off the Mendocino Headlands point, playing in the water. Apparently rubbing along the rocks which is a typical behavior of whales to cleanse their skin.

2021 is going to be ambitious for us. We are still working on the property to make improvements and\or general upkeep.

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ken & kate

joshua grindle inn mendocino 2020 projects


  • Massage room is now the Zen Den. We converted the massage room into a space for Kate to work and relax. A fresh coat of paint, new floor, new window dressings and interior decorations have transformed it into the perfect place to escape. Starting in July, we recommend Nahara Healing for wellness and massage. Angela has graciously offered a 10% discount to our guests, just mention Joshua Grindle when making your reservation.

  • The garden has a new composting tool, a chipper\shredder. The yard will be feeding the composter so it can feed the garden. The plan has always been to recycle and reuse the kitchen and garden wastes. COVID actually helped get these projects finished sooner than expected. Next step is to add a third bin for even more garden gold.

  • Side yard and tree work commenced again in April. This is the third year of our tenure and by far one of the largest efforts to reduce the wood load on the cypress trees. We donated our extra wood to our friends at Pacific Star Winery. They will use it to heat their home and for their large bonfire pit. The other transformation is in the east garden area. We removed all the ivy which had taken over the area. Several trees covered in ivy were also removed. The area is going to be transformed into a new and improved firepit and seating area. This will take a few months, so we’ll have updates to share.

  • Room refreshes continue. Since buying the inn, we’ve replaced almost every mattress and quite a few chairs. Our most recent update involved new carpeting, blinds and Cal-King beds in the cottage rooms. This job is like a marathon so spreading out updates and improvements is really a never ending aspect of being an inn owner. It is fun because you get to decorate and buy stuff as part of your job.
joshua grindle mendocino guiest room


Bill and Gwen Jacobson started the Joshua Grindle Inn back in 1978. They still live here, about 2 miles away and recently, Bill stopped by to help me with some infrastructure questions. He was very helpful and mentioned a photo album that Gwen made from back in the beginning of the inn and through their ownership.


"I love old things, especially about the Grindle. He was kind enough to lend it to me and I found it fascinating. I took digital photos of the book before returning it to them. We hope you enjoy the included photos and big thank you to Bill and Gwen for sharing their history with all of us and creating the Joshua Grindle Inn."

joshua grindle mendocino guiest room



We still need to wear masks and socially distance while vaccines are being rolled out. We will continue following all safety measures per the county health department guidance. As always, your safety is what matters most. The county will advise us on changes once the June 15th date arrives.

Joshua Grindle Inn: 44800 Little Lake Rd Mendocino, CA 95460
707-937-6022 |