Spring is finally here and we are loving it. Our gardens are a banquet of the most exquisite colors!
On the edge of the Pacific Ocean just north of the old town of Kibesillah is Pacific Star Winery. View from the winery pictured at right.
Owners Sally and Marcus have created an oasis on the edge of North America. Locally sourced grapes provide the fruit of the gods. Their on-site winery produces amazing wines from varieties like Charbono, Tannat and Carignon. On the rare occasion Kate and I can leave the inn, this is where we go.
Check out their spotlight here: https://visitfortbraggca.com/sally-the-pacific-star/
Just north of Pacific Star Winery about one mile is a vista point on the left. Bruhel Point is located at Highway 1 mile marker 74.1. We are so blessed this beautiful stretch of land was preserved by the state decades ago to keep the coastline as natural as possible. A short walk from the parking lot down a single track trail, Bruhel Point is a beautiful coastal bluff.
A rugged coastline provides a great resting place for seals and their pups. Many tidal pools can be seen and some are accessible, just be careful of the rising tide. A great place to relax and meditate before heading a mile south to the tasting room!
We hope you take the time to visit this wonderful spot on the edge of the continent.
An old mill town north of Ft. Bragg
Lost to time, Kibesillah was located about 12 miles north of Ft. Bragg and one mile north of Newport, beside the creek which shares its name.
Map, at right, of Bruhel Point trails (dotted lines), Pacific Star Winery (middle) and the old mill town of Kibesillah. A great day trip up the Pacific Coast.
The settlement started in 1867 with a hotel and blacksmith shop. Three years later the town included a school, store and another hotel. The town added a post office in 1874 and it really started to grow after a mill and lumber chute were erected in Newport. Before long, local lumber resources were depleted, so the mill was moved south to Pudding Creek but the shipping was still done at Newport, a six mile distance from the mill.
Kibesillah had grown to four hotels and now boasts a church, justice court and a newspaper. Saloons and gambling also arrived in Kibesillah. In the 1880’s a young man named Charley (C.R.) Johnson moved into town. He bought a share of the mill, quickly followed by the purchase of the other investor’s shares. C.R. Johnson made it a point to travel along the coastline and quickly determined the site of Ft. Bragg would be ideal for a mill. He moved the mill and the townspeople soon followed. The mill location was ideal and Ft. Bragg grew at a very quick pace. C.R. Johnson was instrumental in founding the town of Ft. Bragg and was voted as its first mayor. Twenty years after moving the mill, Kibesillah had become a ghost town.
Bees are very active right now!
I waited just a bit too long to check my hives and one of them swarmed. Swarming is natural and occurs for several reasons including overcrowded, too hot\cold, or the queen is aging and will be replaced by a new one. I think this swarm was due to overcrowding. I’ve caught several swarms but this one was by far the largest one. Many more bees than any previous swarm. Lucky for me they swarmed on a low branch to make catching them very easy. What started in the morning during breakfast was over around 5pm. All the bees were happily re-homed into a lovely new hive. I’m still hopeful for some honey to harvest in September.
Bee fact: Bees are the best workers ever. They never get sick, call off and require zero training.
We look forward to your return to Joshua Grindle Inn!

Ken, Kate and Jack